Boeing fun facts

malaysia airlines flight 370
21 Nov

10 Mysterious Facts About Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines’ passenger jet, Flight 370, remains one of the biggest aviation mysteries of all time. The crew and passengers onboard the flight tragically vanished on March 8th, 2014 – and while there have been a few clues arising from its disappearance, what actually happened to the voyage remains shrouded in guesswork. …
Fun facts about Air Force One
31 Jan

10 High-Flying Facts about Air Force One

Did you know that the US President can fly? Not with wings of his own, of course – but via his own personal aircraft. Air Force One refers to transport that’s equipped to dispatch the US President anytime, anywhere – such is the life of a world-stage diplomat! Here are some fun facts about Air …
interesting facts about the jet engine
10 Nov

11 Fast Facts about the Jet Engine

The jet engine is perhaps one of the most important inventions of all time – it’s helped millions of us get to and from all kinds of destinations all over the planet! We’ve come a long way from the Wright Brothers’ flight to aerospace engineering in a very short space of time, too. If you’re …
facts about British Airways BA
26 Dec

13 Brilliant Facts About British Airways

British Airways has been one of the single biggest names in commercial airlines for as long as many people can remember. The flagship service for air travel to and from the UK, the airline continues to ferry people all over the world, having merged with numerous leading names in air transport elsewhere over the years. …
facts about the 747 Jumbo Jet
5 Aug

13 Fun Facts About The 747 Jumbo Jet

The Boeing 747 has long since been the leading standard for incredible long distance commercial air travel. Also known as the Jumbo Jet, the 747 helped to revolutionise the way that people travel not only within their own countries, but globally. Whether or not you have travelled via 747 jumbo jet before, or even if …