Blenheim Palace fun facts

facts about Winston Churchill
27 Dec

16 Victorious Facts About Winston Churchill

Perhaps known as one of the most enduring figures of British culture, Sir Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister during the Second World War. He is often credited with leading the British to victory alongside the Allies against Nazi Germany. But were you paying enough attention in history class? How much do you know about …
interesting facts about UNESCO
21 Jul

13 Unbelievable Facts About UNESCO

We live in an increasing and fascinating world!  Thanks to the work of groups such as UNESCO, our rich history and heritage remains preserved for generations to come.  But what does UNESCO actually do?  As an introduction, here are some interesting facts about UNESCO: 1. Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO’s aim is, ultimately, to promote …
facts about oxfordshire
20 Sep

11 Outstanding Facts About Oxfordshire

More than just a prestigious university county, Oxfordshire is home to some of England’s most fascinating heritage trails and country walks. Not only that, but the quaint surroundings of the region are replete with listed buildings, famous filming locations and more besides. Even if you already live in Oxfordshire, it’s likely that there is still …