Balkan Peninsula fun facts

Facts about the Adriatic Sea
23 Sep

23 Astonishing Facts About The Adriatic Sea

The Adriatic Sea sparkles calm and clear, with an intoxicating blue colour.  Warm, and yet refreshing and peaceful enough to hear your own thoughts by the shore! The tamest beaches are made of round pebbles, and the wildest one of rocks, thus the beautiful see-through water. But that’s not all! There’s so much more to …
facts about dubrovnik
13 Jul

27 Fascinating Facts about Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is one of the biggest and most fascinating cities in Eastern Europe and continues to be hugely popular with travellers keen to explore the history of Croatia and wider former Yugoslavia. It boasts amazing buildings and a really intriguing ‘secret shipbuilding code’! However, the city has also played host to conflict, and many people …