Astronomy fun facts

facts about geneva
2 May

10 Generous Facts about Geneva

If you’ve spent any time at all traveling in Switzerland, there’s a good chance you may have already seen the sights of Geneva. This truly stunning city is the home base of the United Nations, a genuine physics hub, and home to watchmakers the world flocks to from all corners. But there’s plenty more to …
facts about Galileo
12 Sep

12 Amazing Facts About Galileo

Galileo is the man who changed science forever, but how much do the likes of you and I actually know about the great man? Let’s take a look at some seriously fun facts about Galileo so you can wow everyone we meet from now on. Are you ready to be amazed? 1. Will you do …
Facts about the Hubble Telescope
5 Sep

30 Heavenly Facts About The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is the first sophisticated optical observatory placed into orbit around Earth. It’s entirely above the atmosphere and receives images of much greater brightness, clarity, and detail than ground-based telescopes with comparable optics. Far above the clouds, light pollution, and atmospheric distortions, Hubble has a crystal-clear view of the universe. Scientists …
facts about stars
12 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About The Stars

Whenever you look up at night sky, you’re likely to see thousands of glittering stars hanging in the dark. Stars are many light years away, meaning that we may never hope to reach them. We’ve mapped them to help understand our universe and to navigate Earth. Are you fascinated by the night sky and its …
interesting facts about the milky way
8 Apr

17 Magical Facts About The Milky Way

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. You could compare it to one city in a vast network of cities. As the birthplace of humanity, home to billions of stars, there are so many mysteries surrounding our galaxy that scientists have yet to unravel. But over the centuries they have made numerous discoveries, revealing a …