Apollo fun facts

facts about the Greek Gods
24 Nov

12 Gargantuan Facts About The Greek Gods

There are 12 Gods and Goddesses most frequently referred to in Ancient Greek Mythology – these are known as the Olympians, and while there are four other deities that many refer to in the same line, it’s this dozen you will likely hear about the most! Here are some fun facts about Greek Gods, as …
Facts about Apollo 11
5 Aug

11 Amazing Facts About Apollo 11

Apollo 11 is probably the most iconic space mission ever. It’s been featured in more movies than you could watch in a lifetime, and the truth is even weirder than you might think. Here’s eleven interesting facts about Apollo 11. 1. Kennedy didn’t have his heart set on the heavens. JFK told the head of …
Facts about Apollo the Greek God
30 Mar

14 Amazing Facts About The Greek God Apollo

Apollo is one of the most important gods of Greek mythology, known for his youthful, beardless and athletic figure. Here are some interesting facts about Apollo, the mythological Greek god. 1. Apollo had legendary parentage. The son of Leto and Zeus, Apollo was born on the island known as Delos. 2. Apollo and Artemis. Apollo has …