Animalia fun facts

Goldfish header
5 Sep

12 Glittering Facts About Goldfish

For many of us, goldfish were our first pets. These friendly little creatures are known for being relaxing to watch and for having very short memories! But how true is that really? And how much do you know about these funny little fish? Here are some fun facts about goldfish that might just inspire you …
Koala bear marsupial
14 Aug

10 Marvellous Facts about Marsupials

Marsupials are known for a few things. Their signature pouches, their Australian habitats, and many of them are pretty adorable – so, let’s get to know more about these incredible animals! Here are some seriously fun facts about marsupials! 1. Marsupials are only found in two or three continents, tops. Marsupials typically live in the …