animal fun facts

interesting facts about Crocodiles
25 Jun

20 Insane Facts About Crocodiles

Most people shiver at the thought of crocodiles, and for good reason. These creatures are among the most dangerous in the world. And yet people are also fascinated by them… perhaps because they look like the remnants of a bygone era. Here’s 20 fun facts about crocodiles that might leave you scratching your head: 1. …
interesting facts about Mosquitos
21 May

22 Not So Fun Facts About Mosquitoes

Everyone hates mosquitoes, right? Surely this fact cannot be disputed! Some scientists think that killing them would have an adverse effect on the ecosystem. But others believe that the world would be better off if the insects were completely eradicated. egardless of your opinion on this debate, you’re going to find these facts about mosquitoes …