Albert Einstein fun facts

26 Apr

16 Ultimate Facts About the 1900s

The early 1900s, otherwise known as the turn of the century, was an incredible time for progression. Coming out of industrial evolution, this was a decade that saw huge steps forward in communication, travel, and entertainment. It was a decade of great experimentation – and one of idealism, as first-wave feminism took major strides in …
fun facts about Albert Einstein
4 Jun

11 Interesting Facts about Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein completely changed the way we think about the universe with his groundbreaking ideas. He is known all around the world for his achievements, but here are 11 interesting facts about Albert Einstein that you may not know… 1. Einstein took his time! Albert Einstein told his biographer that he was slow to talk …
facts about atomic energy 3
3 Apr

12 Awesome Facts About Atomic Energy

Produced through nuclear reactions, atomic energy is incredibly useful – though its production can sometimes be considered a little controversial! It’s all about splitting the atom – and when you dig deep into the details, some of the stats are fascinating. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about atomic energy and its history. …
a classroom blackboard showing an mathematical equation
25 Jan

12 Funny Facts About Math

Love it or hate it, math is really fascinating when you really boil it down. Not everyone has a fantastic head for figures, however, that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate some of the more bizarre coincidences and moments that pop up through simple equations and sums! Don’t worry – we’re not here to completely bamboozle …
interesting facts about IQ
12 Oct

13 Fun Facts About Your IQ

We all think we know what an IQ means, but do we really understand it? Does the number tell us more about ourselves other than just how bright we are (or wish we were)? Here’s some fun facts about IQ to find out… 1. What does IQ stand for? IQ is an abbreviation. It stands …
The Big Bang
8 Sep

19 Brilliant Facts About The Big Bang Theory

Why are we here? What’s the meaning of life? Where are we all heading to? Of course, these are all huge questions to ask. While many people look to faith and religion for answers, many also look towards science for physical evidence as to how our universe first began. The fact is, even decades on …