Food & Drink

nutritional facts about turkey
24 Dec

9 Nutrition Facts About Turkey Meat

It’s hard to imagine a holiday, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, without turkey. It’s an important food throughout certain times of the year. Whether you’re a dieter or just curious about what you’ve been eating, here are some fun facts about turkey nutrition… 1. Here’s the calorific breakdown. 85 grams of roasted turkey breast that …
Mince Pie Facts
19 Dec

14 Festive Facts About Mince Pies

Mince pies is a British treat that has a bit of an odd name – many believe it to be a savoury cake, but these days, it’s a fruity, rich delight that people generally enjoy over the Christmas period. Believe it or not, there’s some fascinating history behind these pies – so let’s take a …
facts about champagne
14 Dec

13 Luxurious Facts About Champagne

Champers, bubbly, fizz – call it what you like, champagne remains one of the most lucrative and luxurious drinks available. Of course, the heart of the champagne industry resides in France, though a taste for the fizzy stuff has really travelled far and wide. Love it or hate it, there is plenty of history and …
nutrition facts for eggs
14 Dec

13 Cracking Facts About Eggs

Eggs remain some of the most versatile foods around. You can scramble them, boil them, fry them, griddle them – you name it! Some people even eat them raw, but it’s not always a good idea! The fact is, eggs are hugely nutritious and can be used in a variety of recipes and dishes. Therefore, …
Interesting facts about Indian Food
13 Dec

10 Interesting Facts About Indian Food

The UK loves Indian food – and while many people will say that you can’t beat the authentic cuisine you actually try on the streets of New Delhi itself, it’s safe to say that the culinary creations from out East always seem to go down a treat in the West. There seems to be an …
facts about whisky
22 Nov

13 Wonderful Facts About Whisky

Whiskey is one of the most-drunk alcoholic spirits in the world. However, there is a certain way of making whiskey, and the way it tastes can really differ from bottle to bottle, and from place to place. Even if you are a seasoned whiskey drinker, there may still be plenty of facts about the spirit …
facts about pasta nutrition
13 Nov

10 Pleasing Facts About Pasta

Pasta is delicious – there’s no denying that! Pasta is often seen as the bane of many healthy people’s lives, a comfort food that’s versatile, but it may not be the healthiest option on the menu. But is this always necessarily true? Here are some fun facts about pasta and its nutritional values you might …
facts about sugar
3 Nov

16 Super-Sweet Facts About Sugar

Sugar, sugar – it’s sweet stuff, and there’s likely to be more of it in what you eat and drink than you imagine. However, too much of it is a very bad thing! Here are some sweet, yet essential fun facts about sugar well worth knowing – it’s always something we can stand to cut …
fun facts about milk
3 Nov

11 Must Know Facts About Milk

Milk is a complex drink which goes through plenty of processes before it reaches our fridges.  However, it’s also a hugely nutritional drink, and a great source of much that you’ll need to stay healthy.  But how much do you actually know about the white stuff?  Are you clued up on the health benefits of …
facts about cheese
30 Oct

13 Fun Facts About Cheese

Cheese is a popular dairy indulgence – and it comes with a rich and varied history too. If you’re ready to take a look at this incredible culinary creation all you have to do is read to the bottom of the page and you’ll be a cheese connoisseur in no time. So, without further excitement, …
facts about coca cola
28 Oct

15 Ice-Cold Facts About Coca Cola

Whether you prefer Pepsi, Coke, or swear off the stuff altogether, it’s safe to say that Coca-Cola is a global phenomenon. The famous red cans – and even more famous red lorries – are staples across the West and have even started emerging all over the world in recent decades. Love it or hate it, …
fun facts about rice
25 Sep

18 Remarkable Facts About Rice

Rice is a hugely popular foodstuff. Often combined with Eastern cuisine, it is a simple crop which can be eaten as part of sweet and savoury dishes alike. Therefore, it’s seen as incredibly versatile. There are plenty of different varieties, and it’s perfectly possible to change the flavour of rice to your own specifications as …
facts about salt
23 Sep

12 Simple Facts About Salt

Salt, sodium – whatever you may wish to call it – has a strong presence in our lives. It is a natural substance, and many use it to add flavour to food and dishes. It’s also present in a whole host of foodstuffs we buy straight out of the supermarket. However, it is a resource …
nutrition facts about tuna
21 Sep

12 Tasty Facts About Tuna

Canned tuna is some of the most popular supermarket food you can buy in the West. It is affordable, comes in a variety of types and flavours, and is very easy to prepare. You can simply open a can and make yourself a healthy sandwich with minimal effort! It goes wonderfully with sweetcorn and mayonnaise. …
nutrition facts for honey
19 Sep

13 Nutrition Facts About Honey

Honey is one of the most delicious natural foodstuff you’ll find. It’s never advisable that you steal it straight out of a beehive, however, there are plenty of ways you can sample the delicious, sticky sweet stuff. But just how healthy is honey on the whole? In this quick fact file, we are going to …