
Satellite image of Mercury
1 Nov

12 Interesting Facts About The Planet Mercury

How much do you know about Mercury? The first in our solar system and surprisingly toasty, this planet has fascinated mankind for centuries! While it’s the smallest planet in our little line-up, it’s also the closest to the Sun – and while bits of Earth can get pretty warm sometimes, it’s nothing compared to the …
Fun Facts about Saturn
20 Oct

16 Spectacular Facts About Saturn

Saturn is one of the most recognizable planets in our solar system. Even if you’ve never spotted it through a telescope before, chances are you’ll know it well as ‘that one with the rings’! It’s also one of the biggest celestial bodies in our galaxy, and one of the most mysterious. Want to learn more …
facts about meteorites
9 Oct

18 Mesmerizing Facts About Meteorites

Have you ever watched a meteor shower streak across the sky at night? When a meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere it can glow even brighter than the planet Venus! Looking for some information about these otherworldly rocks? Here’s 18 fun facts about meteorites… 1. They’re all different! Meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite have different classifications according …
facts about the heart
4 Oct

17 Healthy Facts About Your Heart

The heart is one of the most essential organs in your body, providing organs with the vital nutrients they require. As your heart pumps away faithfully, you may not have a second thought about it. Here are 18 fun facts about the heart that you need to know! 1. Your heart beats in time with …
Facts about CERN
29 Sep

21 Cool Facts About CERN

The universe is a strange, cold, and perhaps even scary place! However, there are organizations such as CERN who are trying to find all the answers we can about the vast blackness around us. Specifically, much of this Swiss research faculty’s research surrounds particle physics, and why our universe operates in the way it does. …
facts about losing weight
20 Sep

11 Facts About Weight Loss That Actually Work

Millions of people are on a journey to lose weight every single day.  Weight loss isn’t just about looking good and feeling good on the outside, it’s about making sure you are fit and healthy for the years to come! However, there are plenty of facts and figures surrounding weight loss, and it’s worth remembering …
Facts about the Hubble Telescope
5 Sep

30 Heavenly Facts About The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is the first sophisticated optical observatory placed into orbit around Earth. It’s entirely above the atmosphere and receives images of much greater brightness, clarity, and detail than ground-based telescopes with comparable optics. Far above the clouds, light pollution, and atmospheric distortions, Hubble has a crystal-clear view of the universe. Scientists …
science facts
23 Aug

32 Interesting Science Facts

Isn’t science amazing? We could probably run thousands of fact files on the weird and wonderful world we live in. However, to start with, we’ve lined up a stack of facts for you about science and our place in the universe to whet your appetite for some truly amazing stats and figures. Do you know …
facts about left handed people
20 Aug

15 Interesting Facts About Left-Handed People

Left-handed people, as the name suggests, are more comfortable using their left hand for day to day activities that would normally otherwise be done with a right hand. Here are some interesting facts about left-handed people you might not have known. 1. Fewer people use their left hands than you might think. It is estimated …
facts about stars
12 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About The Stars

Whenever you look up at night sky, you’re likely to see thousands of glittering stars hanging in the dark. Stars are many light years away, meaning that we may never hope to reach them. We’ve mapped them to help understand our universe and to navigate Earth. Are you fascinated by the night sky and its …
Facts about the Solar System
10 Aug

14 Super Facts About The Solar System

Is our Solar System the centre of the universe, a few grains of sand on an entire beach, or simply the very limit of what we know about space? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about the Solar System to answer those questions… 1. There’s a fiery moon out there. Jupiter has a …
interesting facts about Mars
8 Aug

Marvellous Facts about Mars

Man hasn’t yet set foot on Mars. But we have sent dozens of probes to the planet over recent decades. We continue to study the Red Planet and explore the possibility of whether it can support life or not. In the process, we’ve made many fascinating discoveries that have multiplied our interest with Mars. Recently, …
facts about obesity
5 Jul

16 Alarming Facts About Obesity

As a society, we are getting fatter and fatter. This is as a result of all kinds of societal factors – the types of food we have available, education, and sheer lack of exercise. Obesity is something of a pandemic – and alarmingly, it’s easy to prevent. So – why are so many people in …
interesting facts about NASA
5 Jun

17 Extraordinary Facts About NASA

NASA is the independent space agency of the USA government that was responsible for sending man to the moon.  Here are 18 fun facts about NASA for you to learn: 1. What does NASA stand for, anyway? NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2. NASA wasn’t the first space agency. NASA’s predecessor was …
boy laughing
5 Jun

14 Funny Facts About Laughing

Who doesn’t love laughing? It’s good to laugh, both for relieving your stress levels and for general health – meaning that more of us should take time out to share a chuckle more often. Laughter is generally a human condition, but that doesn’t make it any less fascinating. No matter if you’re into your chuckles …