
Discover thousands of fun and interesting random facts about anything and everything here at factcity.com

classroom learning
1 Feb

15 Surprising Facts About Learning

The human ability to receive, process, and memorize information is quite extraordinary. It is a fascinating subject worth knowing more about. So, let’s see 15 surprising facts about learning. 1. Our brains get easily bored Sometimes, learners start to doze off and lose their focus while learning. Well, it is not completely their fault. Our …
interesting facts about carbon
13 Jan

11 Confounding Facts about Carbon

Carbon is one of the most important elements for all living beings. It helps atoms bind together to make virtually everything… us, animals, plants, rocks, and even plastics.  Here are some fun facts about carbon to crack into! 1. Carbon is… pretty much everywhere, actually. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the …
facts about the freemasons
16 Dec

11 Reserved Facts about the Freemasons

Perhaps the best-known specialist society on the planet, Freemasonry has extended all over the world, and Freemasons have been attending meetings for hundreds of years. It’s no secret that Freemasons exist – they simply can’t tell you what goes on in their meetings! However, Freemasonry doesn’t mean you’re part of a ‘secret club’ – they …
facts about the fbi
9 Dec

10 Fascinating Facts about the FBI

The FBI is one of the most famous law enforcement services in the world! We have all seen films about the agency, and all have our ideas about what they do, how they work, and even a little about their history. But how much do you actually know about this organization? Here are some fun …
doctor examining a specimen
21 Nov

10 Exclusive Facts about the Ebola Virus

The Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a fatal condition that has caused thousands of deaths across the globe. It affects people and non-human primates, such as chimpanzees, monkeys and gorillas. Learn more about the deadly disease with these surprising facts about Ebola. 1. Are bats to blame? Scientists have yet to confirm where the virus …
facts about pi
18 Nov

11 Proficient Facts about Pi

Pi remains something of a mathematical phenomenon. While plenty of us may be aware of it through pop culture (and even a handful of math lessons going back years), it’s a staple that continues to fascinate number-crunchers the world over. But what exactly is pi, anyway? Before we get it confused with a tasty crust …
creating a meme
12 Nov

Introduction to Memes: Everything you Need to Know

Who coined the word, and what does it mean? The word “meme” was first coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. He first introduced the term in his book “The Selfish Gene” in 1976. He wanted a word that sounded like “gene”. For Dawkins, the word “meme” was parallel to a “phoneme,” which is …
911 World Trade Center Twin Towers Terrorist Attacks
11 Nov

12 Truthful Facts about the 9/11 Terrorist Attack

On September 11th, 2001, the world witnessed the biggest terrorist attack and resulting tragedy ever to be inflicted upon the west. It was on this date where a series of hijacked planes were flown directly into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, as well as into the Pentagon. The attack …
facts about Levis Jeans
31 Oct

10 Fashionable Facts About Levi’s Jeans

Levi’s jeans are some of the most popular items of clothing on the market – and they have been for decades. Their famous red and white label is a symbol of quality, longevity, and style. But how much do you know about this iconic brand? Whether you wear them with pride or mainly know the …
facts about poker
28 Oct

11 Powerful Facts about Poker

Poker is one of the most popular card games on the planet. It’s made millionaires out of a few savvy players, which means that providing you have the skill and the nerve, you could make a pretty penny or two off the back of it. However, it takes plenty of years and plenty of people-watching …
Methods to Learn to play the piano
11 Oct

5 Online Methods of Piano Learning

As more and more people look for ways to learn new skills online, learning piano has become increasingly popular. However, with so many different online piano learning methods available, it can be tricky to know which one is right for you. To help you succeed in your piano learning journey, here are 5 of the …
How to write a great CV
20 Sep

The Different Types of CVs and What’s Best For You

Ever wondered why CVs vary in look and content? You’re not alone! There are different types of CVs to reflect different stages in your career, and what’s right for you will depend on a range of factors. Here’s a rundown of the three most common types, and how you can create one using a CV maker. …
Natural Medicines You Didn’t Know Were in Your Garden
9 Sep

12 Nourishing Facts About Natural Medicines

Our gardens are full of wonders, from the plants we grow to the insects they attract! But, beyond being beautiful to look at and sweet to smell, they can also be very good for our health when harvested. Here are some natural medicines you didn’t know were in your garden! 1. Valerian Valerian is a …
tips tricks and facts about adwords
2 Sep

12 Helpful Adwords Tips and Tricks

There are plenty of great ways to get seen online – through search engine optimization, social media plugging, and more – but one of the most concrete ways to drive traffic to your website regularly is through using Google AdWords. AdWords, now known as Google Ads, is a pay per click (PPC) system through which …
facts about cement
16 Aug

9 Constructive Facts about Cement

We all see cement in our everyday lives, and we all rely on it in some form or another! But how much do you actually know about cement? While it may not seem particularly interesting on the surface (pun intended), get ready to be pleasantly surprised. Here are some genuinely fun facts about cement! 1. …