On This Day

Bird feeders for February
22 Feb

On This Day – February 22nd

You might think that February 22nd is an ordinary day, but you’d be wrong – millions of people have birthdays today! But, that’s not all. From the date of one of the biggest robberies in British history, and the debut of the first successfully cloned mammal, February 22nd has more than a few reasons to …
Gerald Holtom's Peace symbol
21 Feb

On This Day – February 21st

February 21st is here! So much has happened on this date throughout the years – where do we start? We’ve found the most exciting and historic events that have taken place on February 21st, read on below to get in the know.
Modern Art
20 Feb

On This Day – February 20th

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the end of the month already! That’s February for you – it’s short but eventful! February 20th is one of those days that has plenty of historic intrigue, and a large number of celebrity birthdays that might just surprise you. Keep reading, and we’ll clue you in on …
National Arabian Horse Day
19 Feb

On This Day – February 19th

Are you celebrating today? If so, congratulations – but as it turns out, February 19th is an important day for all kinds of different reasons! From new inventions to medical breakthroughs, here’s why February 19th is held in such high regard by so many people.
The Volkswagen Beetle was first announced! The perky little German car that we all know, and many of us love, first came about in February 1936!
18 Feb

On This Day – February 18th

February 18th is far from being a normal day! There’s so much to remember and appreciate about today – from planet discoveries to finding new ways to communicate, there are tons of reasons to start commemorating February 18th. Here are a few ideas to help you get started…
World Human Spirit Day
17 Feb

On This Day – February 17th

What is there to celebrate on February 17th? Plenty, in fact! Whether or not it’s your birthday or you’re already celebrating, this day has gone down in history as being pretty notable. Whether it’s independence or opera, there are more than a few reasons why February 17th is notable to so many.
On This day in History - February 16th - NHL
16 Feb

On This Day – February 16th

You may be celebrating a birthday or anniversary today – but regardless, there are stacks of great reasons why February 16th remains a highly important date to remember. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the biggest events in history that took place today, as well as a few famous people you may …
World Hippo Day
15 Feb

On This Day – February 15th

Whether you’re marking today with a wine and chocolate hangover, or are celebrating a special event of your own on February 15th, there are plenty of great reasons to remember this date in the calendar. Below, we’ll take you through some famous birthdays, big historic events, and a few special reasons why you may wish …
February 14th - Valentines Day - On this day
14 Feb

On This Day – February 14th

Love is in the air… but don’t worry! If you’re not celebrating Valentine’s Day, or if it’s your birthday and you’re sick of the sight of hearts and flowers, there are plenty of other ways you can mark February 14th. Below, we’ll take you through some historic events, famous birthdays, and special events that fall …
Galentine’s Day - On This Day - February 13th
13 Feb

On This Day – February 13th

One day out from Valentine’s Day – but what does February 13th on its own have to celebrate? Plenty, as it turns out – and right here, we will take you through some of the biggest events and most famous birthdays to fall on Valentine’s eve. Happy birthday if you’re celebrating today – and let’s …
National Hug Day
12 Feb

On This Day – February 12th

Love is very nearly in the air – but before plunging headfirst into Valentine’s Day, there are plenty of great reasons to mark February 12th. Maybe it’s your birthday, or maybe you’re celebrating it in a different way – regardless, here are some seriously interesting things about February 12th you’re going to want to take …
National Inventors Day
11 Feb

On This Day – February 11th

February’s already well underway, but what should we be marking on the 11th? You’re a few days away from Valentine’s if you still need to grab a last-minute gift for any loved ones… but there are actually a handful of extra reasons why February 11th is so notable. Let’s take a look at why.
National Umbrella Day
10 Feb

On This Day – February 10th

February 10th has been a very eventful day for many reasons throughout the years, and it’s a day worth knowing more about! So, with that in mind, here are some of the most important things to know about February 10th!
Friends playing volleyball
9 Feb

On This Day – February 9th

February 9th takes us to just about a third of the way through the shortest month of the year. But what’s so special about this particular date? Whether it’s your birthday or this date holds a particular special meaning for you, here are some further reasons why February 9th is worth marking year after year.
National Boy Scout Day
8 Feb

On This Day – February 8th

February 8th may feel just like another day, but trust is, it has a lot of history, and a lot to celebrate! It may well be a birthday or anniversary of your own – but in case you’re stuck without something to look back on today, here are some of the most important things to …