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15 Surprising Facts About Learning

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The human ability to receive, process, and memorize information is quite extraordinary. It is a fascinating subject worth knowing more about. So, let’s see 15 surprising facts about learning.

1. Our brains get easily bored

Sometimes, learners start to doze off and lose their focus while learning. Well, it is not completely their fault. Our brains don’t like repetition. They get bored easily, which actually results in reduced blood flow and deactivation of the attention on the subject. That’s why it can be better to change your process, maybe read some speedypaper customer feedbacks on sitejabber, and get back on track after a break.

2. Learning is highly individual

Each person learns differently. It is a highly individual process, where each brain responds differently to study methods, encouragement, and motivation. So, it’s important to find personal motivation, a reward system, and the best study methods for enhancing the learning experience.

3. Good sleep is essential for learning

Sleep plays an even deeper meaning in one’s ability to learn than we can imagine. Our brain processes new information during sleep. It works on analyzing and storing new data all while we sleep. It’s even recommended to take naps after productive study sessions.

4. Laughter can help

A good laugh is a powerful thing. Laughter is the peak of positive emotions and their expression. It turns out that such emotions can even enhance our learning processes. It stimulates memory and motivation, releases dopamine, and increases our attention.

5. Imagery plays a big role in studying

It turns out that our brain responds better to images than to reading text or sitting in lectures. Thus, people who learn by images show much higher results in memory retention and understanding of the topic. Thus, adding pictures to the data you learn enhances the study efficiency.

6. Less information can give better results

Sometimes, less is more. Such a saying can also work for learning. Receiving more information in certain periods doesn’t mean better learning. In fact, our brain has a certain capacity for how much it can learn. All information after that is wasted time. The best approach is to spread out the learning process into several sessions.

7. Mistakes help you learn

Learners should never be afraid to make mistakes. In fact, they should strive for them. Making mistakes and noticing them makes you learn better and recall information for longer. That’s because you go through the trouble of correcting yourself and learning from the mistake.

8. Collabouration helps

Some people prefer to study in solitude. Well, it seems like such a method doesn’t work for all. It is known that a social environment can help students learn more efficiently. Collabouration encourages knowledge and skills sharing and provides a healthy amount of competition.

9. Variety enhances learning

Our learning experiences always benefit from the variety of methods and sources. Seeing the same facts presented to us in different forms, like lectures, books, or movies, can help create a full picture of the data. Plus, variety stops us getting bored.

10. Learning is best through teaching

Sometimes, the best learning we can do is by teaching others. Indeed, it is a little trick all students can try with their peers. Reciting and explaining new information to others helps you understand it better. You just can’t educate others if you don’t fully know yourself.

11. Use it or lose it

Our brains change throughout our lives. Such changes and growth mean that some areas get prioritized over time, leaving little attention to others. In other words, our brain can deem some old information unimportant and store it in the very back, leaving more room for more useful, practical knowledge.

12. Stress is the enemy of learning

Studying under stress is more than challenging for people. Stress sends out anxious brain signals that usually inform us of danger. So, our brain focuses on survival rather than receiving new information. Fortunately, learners can get help with homework by reading an review and hiring professionals when stressed.

13. Music helps us learn

Many students prefer studying music. Well, it turns out that can be a rather good decision. The thing is, music helps us study better. It improves our focus and mood, stimulates memory, and calms us down, reducing stress and negative emotions.

14. Learning is fun

Let’s not forget one of the most important facts about learning. It can be really fun! People are curious creatures by nature. So having plenty of things to learn and the question is quite entertaining for our brains. It’s their food and fuel as long as you know how to learn and why it can be a very fun activity.

15. Learning keeps you younger

Exercising your brain directly impacts your mental capacity. So, the more we train our brain, the more flexible and active it becomes. Frequent brain activity can improve its overall work and health, leaving us with a younger, more capable brain.

Do you know any interesting facts about learning? Share them in the comments below!

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