Wondering how to say the name of this hot and sunny city? It’s pronounced Nyah-mey.
The total land area of Niamey is 92 square miles (239 square kilometres)…
Flag of Niger
…that’s slightly smaller than Edinburgh.
Niamey’s population was 1,090,000 in 2015…
..that’s more than double the population of Edinburgh…
…and gives it a population density of around 11,847 residents per square mile.
Niamey is located 679 ft above sea level.
Residents of Niamey are known as Nigeriens (not to be confused with Nigerians from Nigeria).
Nigeriens living in Niamey enjoy a hot semi-arid climate with a rainy season from May to September, a dry season from October to April and an average annual temperature of 29°C, making it one of the hottest major cities on Earth!
Looking to fly yourself to Niamey? You’ll need the coordinates of 13.5214° N, 2.1053° E.
Make sure you visit W National Park if you’re in Niamey; it’s a national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where you can see 350 species of bird, 114 species of fish and 500 species of plant, plus elephants, gazelles, cheetahs and many other mammals and reptiles.
Avenue de Maourey, Niamey
Social intricacies
The official language of Niamey is French.
West African CFA Franc is the official currency here.
Niger welcomed 123,000 tourists into the country in 2013, many of whom visited Niamey for its wonderful climate, extensive wildlife and rich culture.
Do you have any fun facts about Niamey? Share them in the comments below!